Sine Negrense: Negros Island Film Festival Organizers Join "Sanga’t Daan: Festivals at the Crossroads to the Future" Workshop

May 12, 2024

The NCCA National Committee on Cinema members together with the Film Festival Directors during the Townhall meeting at Foundation University, Dumaguete City.

In a bid to address the challenges of sustainability and identity in regional film festivals, the National Committee on Cinema (NCC) under the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) gathered festival directors from across the Philippines for a three-day forum titled "Sanga’t Daan: Festivals at the Crossroads to the Future." The event, held from May 9 to May 11, 2024, in Dumaguete City, was marked by fruitful discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions.

The forum, symbolized by a logo featuring a tree with bountiful leaves and branches, signifying a long history of networks and evolution, aimed to revisit the essence of regional festivals. What started as celebrations of local cultures and traditions have now evolved into discussions about sustainability, identity, and community engagement.

One of the prominent participants in the workshop was the team behind Sine Negrense, the renowned film festival representing Negros Island, along with the Margaha Film Festival of the City of Sagay and the Lutas Film Festival from Dumaguete City.  Throughout the event, they engaged in various sessions led by industry experts, aimed at enhancing their festival management skills and fostering collaboration among regional festivals.

Among the topics covered were:

The workshop concluded with a dynamic town hall meeting, where members of the National Committee on Cinema and regional festival directors strategized for the future of Philippine cinema. The event received support from the Film Development Council of the Philippines, Foundation University, and Dumaguete City Tourism Office.

As regional film festivals continue to evolve, the insights gained from "Sanga’t Daan" are expected to pave the way for a more vibrant and sustainable film festival landscape in the Philippines.


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